Check out our upcoming Aussiedoodle puppies.
Double R Redman

Redman is a super sweet and ADORABLE aussiedoodle male that is 15″ tall at the shoulder and 16 pounds. He is able to breed for toy or mini aussiedoodles! He is such a sweetheart and an excellent daddy for your new pup!
Double R Prince (new pics coming in the fall)

Mr. Prince is one of our newest stud muffins and showing off his skills by making some awesome pups! His pups have excellent temperaments like him and great confirmation. Prince is 26 pounds and 17 inches tall at the shoulder. He is a great daddy!
Double R Rip

This handsome homegrown stud is out of GiGi and MJ. He is big bold and sweet as can be! We are so excited to see his breeding career start. Rip is 60 pounds and 25 inches tall at the shoulder.
Double R Merle

Merle is a handsome blue merle male mini aussiedoodle out of Reba X Monroe with two icy blue eyes!! He is 15 inches tall and 20 pounds.
Double R Nickle Back

NB is a multigen chocolate tri Aussiedoodle. He stands 17 inches at his shoulder, weighs 24 pounds making him the perfect miniature ‘stud muffin’. NB has proven himself already, his puppies are gorgeous, their temperaments are awesome, their confirmation is remarkable…he’s making ‘kick butt’ kids!
Aimee’s Darling Tigger formerly Double R Tigger

Tigger is a gorgeous chocolate merle Aussiedoodle “stud muffin”. He has been a Rock Star at the Double R for years, was recruited to work for Aimee’s Darling Doodles, and is now back working for both kennels as they combine forces merging all the dogs into one SUPER, new and improved, Double R Doodles. Tigger […]
Slate the Aussiedoodle male

Aimee’s Darling Slate is a multigen Toy Aussiedoodle blue merle “stud muffin” who stands 10.5 inches @ his shoulder weighing in @ a whopping 9 pounds! What he lacks in size he makes up for in personality and grit…he knows how to “get er done”. Slate is extremely playful, very affectionate, and full of enthusiasm. […]
Cardinal Country Monroe

“Monroe” is a hoot! He is a multigen blue merle male with two blue eyes…they just do not come marked any nicer then this guy. He stands 14 inches, weighing in at a whopping 18 pounds. He has a beautiful non-shedding hair coat. He has an awesome personality, he wants to please, he loves being […]
Double R Quinn

Double R Quinn is a drop dead gorgeous multigen red merle male. Quinn is out of Double R Hoda by D’Jango…he stands 19.5 inches, weighing 39 pounds. Quinn is quite a character with an awesome temperament. Watch for his first litters in 2015!
Double R Pretzel

Double R Pretzel is a blue merle miniature multigen. This very handsome “Stud Muffin” has a tip top personality…he’s sweet, funny, very friendly…he’s the real deal! Pretzel stands 16 inches at the shoulder, he weighs 25 pounds. He has a blue chip in one eye…and a wonderful non shedding hair coat. Pretzel is the son […]