PBCHM2- handsome chocolate male shepadoodle with copper on his body and under his tail! All puppies are bred to be sweet with great temperaments and come with a 2 yr health guarantee, registration papers, health record listing vaccinations/dewormers and are vet checked before they leave and issued a health certificate.
PCON X Brome Shepadoodles DOB 8/31 Leave home 11/2/23
Dog Info

About PCON X Brome Shepadoodles DOB 8/31 Leave home 11/2/23
PBCHM2- handsome chocolate male shepadoodle with copper on his body and under his tail! All puppies are bred to be sweet with great temperaments and come with a 2 yr health guarantee, registration papers, health record listing vaccinations/dewormers and are vet checked before they leave and issued a health certificate.